Ellen Priest Paints ‘The River’
Ellen Priest is a wonderful artist based in Delaware who is in the final phases of completing a three-year project creating paintings and drawings based on my 2013 Motéma album The River. She will be unveiling her work in 2019 at Saint Peter’s Church in NYC which will include performances of the music by my group. Stay tuned for details. Below is a recent profile feature WHYY News in Delaware did on Ellen and this project. Check it out…
Purdue Jazz Festival Artist-in-Residence
I’m very much looking forward to working with the Purdue University as their Artist-in-Residence for their 2018 jazz festival. Saturday, January 20 I will be performing with the Purdue Jazz Band as guest soloist along with Victor Goines and Dan Fornero and premiering a new big band arrangement of an original composition of mine commissioned by the university in celebration of their sesquicentennial. This week leading up to the festival, I will be coaching large and small ensembles at several high schools around Purdue in additional to leading a master-class on improvisation in the afternoon of the festival. For scheduling and other details on the Purdue Jazz Festival – Indiana’s largest jazz fest – click the above photo.
The Drowning
Very happy to have a composition of mine (performed by trumpeter Orbert Davis’s group, featuring yours truly on piano) in director Bette Gordon‘s latest film The Drowning premiering Wednesday, May 10 at the IFC Center in NYC!
Ryan Cohan Quartet at Jazz Showcase FEB 23 – 26!
This Thursday thru Sunday (Feb 23-26), I will be performing at the historic Jazz Showcase in Chicago with my quartet featuring John Wojciechowski on woodwinds, James Cammack on bass and George Fludas on drums. I am really psyched to play four consecutive nights with these brilliant musicians and very happy to have James – a 30-year veteran of the Ahmad Jamal Trio and collaborator of mine from early in my career – returning to the group for these dates. I hope you can join us!
Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Commission
I am thrilled and honored to have been commissioned by the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra to provide an arrangement for their ‘The Songs of Mancini and Mandel’ concerts in Scotland February 24-26 (Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow) featuring Joe Locke on vibes and Kenny Washington on vocals! Founded by master saxophonist and composer Tommy Smith in 1995, the SNJO is a fantastic, forward thinking ensemble considered by many to be Europe’s foremost contemporary big band.